Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Many Mansions" By Joan Didion

Above is a link to "Many Mansions" by Joan Didion.

This narrative begins with descriptive language about the structure and foundation --what went on to building it -- of the house. However, everything is "un"--it's unfurnished. It lacks. Through this subtext, we learn that Didion is associating this house with the bankruptcy of California during the time. It's a symbol for all that has faded.

Her narrative is also heavily sprinkled with real estate jargon--this jargon is used uniquely because she mocks the diction. It calls attention to what the house is not--therefore making it appear to be inauthentic. It claims Americana history--but there is more room in the Governor's house for booze than books.

However, Didion does know life with a soul--it is a house that has more human spaces, more charm, and more privacy.

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